The Braid And Bun Hairstyle.
One of the loveliest bun hairstyles I love doing is this one.
For this hairstyle all you need are some elastics and a comb. Start by combing your hair and part your hair in half (left and right). Put your head up-side down, Choose a part ( left or right) and start braiding from the bottom to the top. When you reach the crown area, seal with an elastic.
Repeat the same procedure on the other side. When you’re done you can choose to put it in a ponytail twist the ends to and seal the tip under the elastic to form a messy bun, or you can choose to put in in a ponytail braid it and twist it in a form of a bun. Take some pieces out from the front to form a messy look. I suggest that you use some mouse or gel before braiding so you wont have troubles with baby hairs and pieces being un-even.
Half Up Half Down And A Bun.
This is a very casual yet stylish look. It can be styled with a braid and it can also be styled without the braid. On here I will write how to style the half up half down with a braid and bun. So first you need to start by parting in half (bottom and top) secure the bottom part so it won’t get mixed with the top part. Continue by braiding the top area. ( you can choose to braid two braids : left and right) .
When you reach the crown area , secure with an elastic and twist in a bun. Remove the elastic from the bottom part, apply some curl crème for texture and leave it down. I again suggest to use mousse or gel for braiding to secure baby hairs and hair pieces.
Twice The Bun.
This is the cutest and simplest of them all. Part your hair in half (left and right). Pick a side and put it in a ponytail and twist. Put the end of the hair under the elastic. Play and place the bun in place styling it as messier as possible. Do the same on the other side. Pull some hair from the front area, and you’re ready to go.
Classic Donut Bun.
And there’s always the classic donut bun. But this time with a bit of a messy look. For this hairstyle you will need a donut bun sponge. Start by doing a pony tail, inset the donut sponge into the ponytail, spread the hair all over the the sponge. Twist the ends around the donut sponge and secure with bobby pins. Take pieces out the front and try to play a bit with your hair to place it in place and try to make it as messy as possible. Although this is a messy style , this style is very much formal.